hello everybody!
this is hy and paula, reporting from the NUS business library :D we are here to revive the blog! we had a great meal just now, eating some starch at the business canteen with very sweet soursop juice :D oh we also had some yogurt with fresh fruit, see we are eating healthy! starch is carbo by the way.
we think people should blog instead of tag! if not no one will blog and everyone will tag :D (we sound retarded) haha!
hy says tm is a good salesperson, actually both of them are quite low down the list but the difference is hy is old and tm is new :) (do you understand that?) :p anyway if you all want to buy/renew your subscription for magazines, look for paula who will direct you to the two salespeople mentioned above. maybe they will split their commission with me :D
we are really talking rubbish.
the aircon in the library is very cold, paula complains.
hy is too busy looking around and she doesn't understand why people are studying now.
paula feels deprived cos kentridge is so much bigger than bttimah and has better food.
hy is still wondering why people are studying now, 'it's the start of the sem!' she exclaims.
we think clarine will kill us soon cos we just gave her two big virtual hugs.
we terrorized everyone's blogs.
hy asks if anyone wants to date her on tuesday or wednesday, cos she has free days (paula: -.-) she wants to watch movies! she says the last movie she watched was 'the departed' and she thinks it's abit sad. she wants to watch eragon but it's not showing anymore :(
well, the last movie paula watched was curse of the golden flower which she found very entertaining, although maybe there was not enough cloth to make the costumes for the females. but gongli and chowyunfatt are fantastic actors, jaychou cannot act though. jaychou was the reason why hy didn't want to watch curse of the golden flower. see, one bad actor can prevent so many potential moviegoers!
okay we are really mad.
hy just asked paula if she thinks business has more cute guys than law. paula says uh, maybe it's cos business is a bigger faculty. but the girls are quite good looking haha. maybe NTU has better looking people, does tsemin want to say anything about that? :D hy just told paula what a little boy at work said to tsemin, if paula puts this here she will really get shot. so paula will tell you if you are nice to her and ask :D
hy has to work later :( but today is submitting orders so only two hours of work :D then she and tm will get money and maybe we all have a free lunch coming up :D
but hy has no orders so far :( maybe all the names are tm's haha!
either way we still may get a free lunch :D
hy has to go for work now :(
paula is going back to hall too :(
byebye everyone :(
we love everyone :D
and we hug everyone too! :D especially clarine
-hy and paula run for cover-
and blog!